Join the Northeast WasteWise Alliance Meeting Friday 6 September
Northeast WasteWise Alliance is hosting a meeting on Friday, September 6th in Oxley. General Committee member, Petula Edwards, invites anyone interested in environmental sustainability to join us.
The Northeast WasteWise Alliance involves Groups from Yackandandah, Benalla, Oxley, Wangaratta and Bright who all feel passionate about doing what we can to reduce plastics and materials going into landfill. By working together we are better informed – like for instance the proposed standardisation of recycling within Victoria by 2027 which the Department of Environment and Climate Change (DEECA) are working on with Councils whereby we will have 4 recycle bins (which includes a purple one for glass) and a standardised list of contents for each bin. Having a different bin system for different Councils is confusing for everyone. We discuss and lobby for changes – like for instance discussions about pill blister packs which are made of aluminium and plastic. We also try to divert useable material from landfill which incorporates Boomerang Bags and if you have other ideas then these could be raised at the meeting.
If you want to come along and get involved then please contact Petula Edwards on 0493762788. The meeting is at 10.30 at the King River Cafe. It is optional whether you buy a lunch after the meeting to chat further. We are a friendly bunch!