Listen to the Alpine FM Pale Blue Dot episode for the 13th of September. This episode has
- an interview with Nick Cohn on Electric Vehicles,
- coverage of the National Electricity Market covering the Australian Eastern States – AEMO | National Electricity Market (NEM)
- discussion of Snowy 2.0 – the Snowy Hydro organisation’s current pumped Hydro electricity storage project which is subject to massive time and cost blowouts since being proposed by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in 2017
- discussion about the Electric Vehicle industry in China and other current environmental topics.
Then you can follow with the Pale Blue Dot for the 27th of September which has an interview with Russell Klose of Kilowatt Cars in Yackandandah and discussion of current environment topics.
Alpine FM 96.5 & 92.9 is the Alpine Valleys Community Radio Station based in Mt Beauty. The Alpine FM Pale Blue Dot program covers all aspects of the Environment.
Pale Blue Dot refers to the Earth. This expression was made famous by the American astronomer Carl Sagan referring to the image of the earth in a photograph of the solar system taken from the Voyager spacecraft at a distance of 6 billion km.