- Today there are many influences driving up the cost of Australia’s fossil fuel based power generation. Some of these occur within Australia such as extreme weather events resulting from climate change and failures at aging coal fired power stations, others occur internationally such as the Ukraine war. Either way they are influences that disrupt our energy security and reliability.
How can we increase our role in future proofing our energy security and reliability?
If you are able to, buy ‘green energy ‘from your electrical retailer. It is a federal government audited scheme. It will cost a little more – less than a dollar a day – but helps build our solar and wind farms, large batteries, pumped hydroelectricity schemes, etc. which increases our energy security
Get a free home energy assessment to help reduce energy use in a variety of ways, some of which involve cheap and simple changes. Sustainable Upper Ovens will be offering free home energy assessments soon, so watch our website for details
Install a high-quality (lasts longer) solar PV system and battery and produce your own electricity. This can be done in phases to ease your economic costs over time. Dr Saul Griffith (Rewiring Australia) says an all-electric home will need a 10-15kW of solar PV by 2030. Many households in NE Victoria that have photo voltaic cells on their roof, have not paid an electricity bill in 10 years and export excess electricity to the grid. This increases our community’s energy security. These households get paid for their excess power which improves their own economic situation.
Replace old hot water systems with a high-quality heat pump system. It reduces your energy bill, it will be quieter, last longer and can use your solar PV to power it during the day.
If you’re able to, buy a new electric vehicle or hybrid as your next new car, further increasing your energy securityKeep in mind:
AEMO the Australian Energy Marketing Organisation, estimates that Australia needs to double its electricity supply by 2030 as we electrify everything including our cars
Dr Saul Griffith, says the all-electric home will save between $5-$7000 per year by 2030
In Australia, 80% of new vehicles could be electric by 2030 as estimated by the International Energy Agency
The European Union and UK have banned the sale of new fossil fuel vehicles from 2035.The reassuring news here is that as noted above, there are different levels at which we can make a start depending on our circumstances.
The Sustainable Upper Ovens, Community Energy and EV group meets on the third Wednesday of the month in the Bright Uniting Church, at 7pm and on Zoom. Please join us, all welcome!
By Dennis Lambert, Community Energy and EV Coordinator, Sustainable Upper Ovens Inc